Sunday, October 31, 2010

Christmas Gets Two Weeks, Hallowe'en Needs to Be Longer.

I originally wrote this 11:49 AM 12/28/2009 but am posting it now (almost a year later) still not having the time or the will to edit it, I say ‘screw perfectionism!’ Let's get what we already have, out first, we can add to it later. Besides who's keeping score, right?

To be perfectly honest, I was going to title this "Christmas Gets Four Months, Hallowe’en Needs to Be a Lot Longer!" because it reflects the marketing world and that unfortunately is innately connected with the socio-psychological collective-perception realm...But I'll just go with the official story this once.

Okay, if the title wasn’t a dead give away, I don’t think Hallowe’en (Haloween, Samhain, etc., whathaveyou) isn’t long enough, in comparison to Christmas. Many people the world over celebrate it hence it is quite possibly the biggest Holiday Celebrated West of the Ural and North of the Caucasus (even East and South respectively).

Not me though. I don't celebrate it. And to be perfectly honest, what is there to celebrate? It's a shopping season, is really what it is. I'm not breaking any new ground or revealing any earth-shattering hidden info when I say that there's nothing 'Christian' about Christmas. Basically all of the Pre-Christian European (in my opinion mostly Celtic) Holidays were 'Christianised' and incorporated into the then still unfinished Christian-faith. Follow their (the Celtic) Calendar if you can and I think you'll agree.

The problem is, I've noticed we tend to grant Christmas a much longer stay than any other holiday. Again, what's so ‘holy’ about it? (Contrary to the December 25th belief) Jesus was born on September the 11th - if you follow the Biblical Astrology and compare it against naval spatial observational records, Mother-Mary's trip back to Bethlehem (following Jupiter) came during September, and the birth logically on the 11th; but I'm just rutting-hairs here - it's quite the complex and fascinating study.

Now granted, there are 12 Days of Christmas, 12 Disciples, 12 Zodiacal Constellations, 12 Hours in the Day, 12 Months in the Year, 12 years before a Jewess becomes a Woman (13 for Boys, also a similar tradition for Muslims) 12 Musical Keys (7 White + 5 Black) in the Register...A lot of reason for ‘12’ to keep popping up, which despite what the above may apply, still doesn't quite make sense to me.

Okay, but why do we promote it (Christmas) four fucking months in advance?!

Really (depending on where you live) you can start seeing ads for it, very subtly beginning in July but slightly more noticeably in September.

Since most/all of the Christian holidays have little in connection with Christianity. Perhaps even 'Anti-Christian' in nature: Hallowe’en for Little Devils post-Harvest; Christmas is for the re-birthing of the Ægyptian Sun-God; Beaster/påsk/Palm is a torture death-cult celebration; St. Valentines Day is milked up by marketers of Cards, Chocolate and Condoms (the 3 C’s!) and no mention is made of the Martyred Saints themselves (as more than one was killed unnecessarily) perhaps we could give Hallowe’en a well deserved boost? No?

Christian or not, Christians as well as secularized non-Christians (and followers of other religions) still celebrate them.

Now I'm hugely into everything Magickal, Occult, Esoteric, Spiritual, Religious, Hell - even outright Satanic stuff, and they are all woven with and interconnected to two H-Terms: 'Heavy-Metal' and 'Hallowe’en.'

All of the above-mentioned things can be related to either ‘-Metal’ or ‘O'Ween’ (or both) and done so to such an extant in fact that there is a Heavy-Power-Metal Band from Deutschland (a personal favourite of mine too!) by the name of “Helloween!”
(Their 1998 record "Better than Raw")
Now so far, I haven't said much about Hallowe’en/alla helgons dag/allhelgonaafton either.

Rather than prattle on-and-on about the 'History and True (almost always 'Celtic') Origins of Hallowe’en' which you find on most sites ranging from encyclopaedias to blogs like this one; I figure I'll break tradition and talk instead about what Hallowe’en is/means to me (which is also something I generally despise doing) subjective opinions as opposed to cold hard facts (actually 'lukewarm-mushy facts' as is most of the study we call 'History' despite which, is still reasonably reliable depending on who you ask of it).

Hallowe’en IMHO, is the time for those usually of an overly-skeptical outlook on life (such as myself between 8AM-6PM, and again between 8PM-2AM) to suspend their disbelief. But for what Masonry regards as the ‘profane’ aside, those in both familiarity and harmony with a more esoteric understanding of the period, know that it is the time where the ‘Veil’ (the ‘Ghayb’ for followers of Arab/Muslim Sufi-Mysticism) is thinnest between our world and the spirit realm (sometimes I feel as if the nightmare realm and the living one mesh, but that’s usually during day to day life ;) and while some exoteric understandings simply interpret this as a time for nature to prepare us for what is coming ahead, I take it to be the time when the impossible becomes more readily possible.

But I’ve noticed, I get that feeling slightly less than a season, and considerably more than just one day out of the year. I get the whole ‘Hallowe’en tingly sensation’ as early as the last week of September to about the first week of November (about 6 weeks and 6 days – I hate the number 7 so I’ll refrain from saying 7 weeks, especially if I did, it could become quite ‘obsessional’ and I could round it up to 8 or even 9 weeks).

So what to people do during this grand sacred time?

Depending on where you live - it could be as mundane as ‘raking the leaves,’ reaping the toil of your labour (if somehow you are lucky enough to have your own farm) in the form of a harvest which in today’s world barely pays your bills, even if you make Millions of (Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Kroner - take your pick).

It could be little more exciting for children, as they once again re-enact the rituals of the Druids, demanding Virgins from any household they desire: They knock, you trick them into pretending your not home, or you treat their entreats by offering up your daughter (if she’s good looking) and they take her back, probably have their way with her, than sacrifice her to some vague Devil even the Gorsedd (and other Illuminati inclusionary Svbcvlts) probably only has a still vaguer idea about.

Oh right, that’s what children mean by trick-or-treat.

Well, it goes further than that, as those guys were a bunch of thugs back in the ancient world, if you didn’t have the man power, they’d just bust down your door. If you did, they’d curse you with a ‘Hex’ not too unlike the Seal of Solomon or the Start of David (except this is ancient Ireland, Scotland and Wales we’re talking about, not some dusty shithole in modern-day Israel).

(The Seal of Solomon.)
Again, for those who are familiar with the occult, Samhain (Hallowe’en) can be just as wonderful time to conjure up some friendly, benign, harmless…fire-breathing Demonic-Djinn from the bowels of Hell (or some other more vacationable spot in the after-life) or here on Earth.

And if by some quirk of idiocy you end up as a Wiccan (the feminist variety being the worst) this can be a good time to honour your beloved mother godless…er, goddess; who is so wise and powerful in her understanding and infinite strength that she needs your help to stay alive and will die with the earth, should this trash-heap of a planet were to be enveloped by a supernovaec-expansion like that prophesieth by our priesthood of today (the holier-than-thou cloth of the white-lab-coaters with test-tubes) of our blasted star, the Sun.

The metaphysics of Wicca, I have little problem with; seeing as much of it seems to have descended from Hermeticism not too different than Crowley’s version, only it has more male-bashing and female-worship at its core. The philosophy however, and it’s apparent degeneration and subjugation of the male-sex as a cornerstone seems a bit, shall we say un-fairly obvious?! Be it the cornerstone or the puss-covered, rotten, hate-filled core I’m sorry, I got a bit truthful there! I’ve noticed Wiccans do not give Crowley the respect he deserves whilst bastardizing his maxims - ‘Do what thou Wilt’ the Law of Thelema is usually not good enough for Wiccans as they have to add ‘but harm none’ to it; because somebody has to point out the obvious.

But yes, another thing short of conjuring or channelling inhuman sprits would be to conduct a séance of some relative since-passed, or a famous someone. Haunted houses, graveyards, prisons and fields known to host famous battles should be tackled in the daytime, even for those more skeptical who do not believe they can be harmed by such things (I see no need in visiting such a place) but for those who wish to risk harm from realms-unknown, the thrills may be worth it (just don’t say you heard it from me).

And again, for people into more mundane practices than the fullest festive merriment of the period; you can always start (build) a fire and tell spooky stories.

Speaking of which, one in particular, I read time and time again: Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu” (I'd post a link, but I'd much rather post it here in entirety tomorrow) is one that always sends a chill, despite the fact it’s far more modern, than say something by Horace Walpole (Whoops! Gave away the 2-year old contest; still no one's guessed).

Yet another activity to engage in during ‘All Souls and Saints Day’…Ironic, it’s immediately after the 30th of October, usually regarded as ‘Devil’s Night’ I suppose to equalize by polarizing.

But there is so much to do, in such a short span of time.

Therefore, I suggest we, in a not too distant future ensure that Hallowe’en gets at least 1 if not 3 weeks off; from about the last two weeks of October to the first week of November, buy turning it into a civic holiday, so you can stay at home, or attend a party, instead of having to suffer miserably at work or school.

Having it last longer, or more often would be nice, and better since we don't have to wait a year, or even half if you count skärtorsdagen, but I don't really give a fuck about that as it's more 'Easter-trick' than 'Hallowe’en-treat' Valborga here is more tolerable -Walpurgisnacht- but that might just be me because it's quite close to my birthday (hintitty hint-hint).

Well, I best not extend it beyond that.

Perhaps I can tell you about the legal discovery of ‘The Two Americas’ that happened on October 31st 1997. The Father/Founder of the Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey is also said to have died on or about this time. There was also the leak of the ‘Hallowe’en Documents’ that Microsoft so sorely dreads (while Linuxites hold as a shining example of MS’s underhandedness as if they were ‘the Protocols’ scribed by an Illuminatus) and Jim Allchin in very much the category of MS (He is quite good at playing lead guitar, I must admit!) but that I suppose I can save for later.

Bottom line, I’m sick and tired of seeing Christmas goods being advertised before Hallowe’en is even round the corner (at one point I’ve seen adverts sporting the Christmas sale the day before Hallowe’en, other times at about September and in one instant a number of years ago, as early as July…I’m not kidding).

If it’s all about advertisement, sales and goods, then Hallowe’en should be the #1 sales-bonanza worldwide; since if you compare the two: While Christmas is the #1 yearly money-making period clocking in at a healthy 3 weeks [actually 12 days + a few; for the Americans it’s 12-25 and for many Europeans it tends to be 01-07, although if the twelve days continue after 12-25 then we should allow until 01-19, so to round it from December 12th to January 7th; for the sake of encompassing both sides of the pond] you have to temper that with the understanding it is for about 2-3 weeks whereas Hallowe’en is just one day/night.

So what Christmas does in two weeks, Hallowe’en does almost as much for the span of a day. Hallowe’en is the better holiday to monetise, because only Satan (Santa) and a few of his Devils (Elves) are going to be purchasing costumes then, whereas a lot more will be sold just during Hallowe’en.

The marketers who invented Valentines day, should get together and try to get Hallowe’en recognized as a ‘day-off’ so people can go shopping yet again…

After that, to a few Hallowe’en parties, and then a coconut-teaser!

So until next time (tomorrow?) just remember,
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Happy Hallowe’en!

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Last Time Was the Last Time!"...Really?

Are you like me, and hate having to deal with anothers' issues, before your own? If not, having yours made worse by compounding theirs?

Without making specific reference as to who; suffice to say, I have a hard time saying 'no.' I have an even harder time sticking to it, once I've made it clear. Whatever happened to 'Last time was the LAST time!' I often wonder?

Are you tired of cleaning up their mess?...And still do!

Great. I don't have a solution for you either. Like you, I've got problems of my own. If I solve them maybe you can mirror my work. Unlikely, as even if I'm able to, I probably won't show it.

We've all got our problems. And it's hard enough to deal with them. But even more-so when bogged down, double with those from others.

I also hate talking in riddles, as much as I hate hearing them when uncalled for. So this is really a reminder for me more than anyone reading this.

And no, this is not a suggestion that you should abandon everything to the elements, while adopting a Social-Darwinian view on everything and dealing with others in a similar fashion. No. Not only would that not help, the Karmic result wouldn't be pleasant, and more importantly, you'd have to realize that the chances are great that you're not yet at the top of the food chain where none can harm you.

Rather, just keep on keeping on but also learn to dissociate.

I frankly have an easier time getting along with strangers than some of the people I know.

I hate people who exaggerate things, make them worse than they have to be, a half-truth from them is as good as a lie from anyone else. In addition to all that, they're notorious liars.

(Those) People are bored. Their lives are empty, vapid at best. They've watched too much TV. They need (want) drama in their lives. And they mimic what they saw on TV or in the movies, thinking it'll somehow magickally transform them into the character that appealed to them. As a result, they like to create (public) scenes as they think the whole world is watching (in my case, I think somebody may be reading, at least - but I'm just all-text - so it's less annoying; they're all-volume sans-aesthetics - I think you can image how irritating that can be) like they would matter or even impress everyone watching ("Keep dreaming, bitch." is what I normally think).

They assume my life is much the same. Or worse, that I am of the 'happy-consumers' not too unlike what the late-Bill Hicks talked about, gladly watching them go about their nonsense. (Again, I hate talking in riddles, but a necessary, temporary evil.)

Still I go about cleaning their messes, fixing their fuck-ups. I've done so for about, say 12 years now. It's quite taxing for me to do so on a daily basis.

And I still go about helping whomever, whenever I can, with whatever. It's sometimes a drain, but I justify it to myself believing it somehow helps. And the few times it does, somehow seems to balance out the many times it doesn't. I think as individuals we have learned to deceive ourselves, and have become masters at it. But every now or then we're left disillusioned.

(Frankly, we shouldn't be living in an illusion, so we should welcome the starkness of the shock.)

But while it's time to clean up the grand-mess, solve the grand universal problem, it may also be time to take off the water-wings.

This is not the kind of update I make.

Believe it or not, I've got about 26 different articles I could be posting right now. I started working on them, even got most of them finished and whatnot, just didn't post them because 'the time wasn't right' and other such irrationalities. I'll get to that ASAP which translates to whenever I feel like it, which is almost never. But I suppose this is more an opportunity to vent in a near-ineffective manner.

Still, anything is better than nothing.

I really want to expand this blog-site. I just haven't had time to devote to it, without coming up with articles too personal or too esoteric in nature. Then again, I'm thankful that I never set aside a purpose for this site, purposes tend to limit what you can do. (And while I have things folks can download, I don't want to turn this into a download-site, that's been done before, although it can always be done better.) I don't have body of work I can classify into anything, hence nothing I can 'stray' from. Which is why I'm glad I can always come back to it later. Next update will be better. Less personal.

Oh yeah, and I hate TV.

Bitter and disillusioned like everyone else, I hate TV.

TV kills off brain-cells. So does Aspartame.

Friday, October 08, 2010

An Oldie but Not Such a Goodie

I don't know how long this video will be up.

Frankly, there are a number of scenes in this video which I don't like...I wouldn't have minded as much if they kept all the washroom shots out of the video (Nothing particularly scatological but the washroom stuff makes many people queasy, uneasy, nauseous. etc. hence why they seldom showed it in the 'black-and-white' era, even in movies where they had full-frontal female nudity). Other than that and the periodic-hurling, the video is pretty (in)decent.
This is why I like watching 'strictly-porn' rather than videos like this, and 99.9% of Hollywood movies, which suck as hard as a vacuum, to be frank (you'll get the odd gem, but even them some are 'diamonds in the rough'). That way, I get all of what I want, and none of what I don't.
Regarding the video itself:
This is the -to the best of my knowledge- the fullest and 'most uncut' (or 'least cut') version of the video. The other versions aren't censored either, just that certain scenes that appear here for a few milliseconds had been cut out from them (why go so far to display obscenities, then balk at the last second when you're almost all the way through?!) I'll never understand censorship, which is why we should abolish it here and now!

At any rate, despite the fact that I listen to Progressive (and other kinds of) Metal, rather than this musical tripe (which maybe at most may be 'fringe-industrial'-related to Rock/Metal, if at all). I suppose the video is good enough to be given at least a temporary pass on my blog-site, though I hate embedding videos here, it slows down the page-load times, but I'll do it for now (or maybe in a few days, I'll just put up the link rather than embedding it).

The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up
Enjoy! (If you can!)

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Image Files

Just a li'l (de?)motivational I created today.

It get's the message across, easy, simple, clear.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Texe Marrs - Blood Wars

Below is an older Texe-Marrs (Power of Prophecy) taping, that has since fallen off of the archives. Download it, and listen, it's one of his more powerful messages.

Blood Wars: Judaism, Blood Sacrifice, Occult Ritual, Middle East Conflict, and the Grand Plan for A Greater Israel Friday, February 6, 2009
Armed to the teeth with American weapons, Israel’s Socialist/Talmudist armies are ravaging, killing, and maiming hapless Palestinians in Gaza. With President Obama’s approval, the next targets are Iran and Syria. Meanwhile, the United States will intensify its bloody conflict in Afghanistan and massacre thousands in neighboring Pakistan. These are all occult rituals, human sacrifices in honor of Satan. The Israelis began their war against the people of Gaza on Hanukkah, a Jewish Holy Day. Cabalistic Numerology is also being used, with the 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon lasting exactly 33 days. The "Blood Wars" of the Middle East are part of the Grand Plan for a Greater Israel and the New World Order. Also includes: Shocking new evidence by acclaimed Jewish historians that, for centuries, Jewish rabbis have abducted, tortured, sacrificed, and cannibalized young gentile boys and girls.

MP3 FILE (13.62 MB)
Texe Marrs - Power of Prophecy - 2009-02-06.mp3

Also the URL's for the PoPCast have changed:
From: (defunct)

Over to: (active/current)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who'd Win In A Fight? (Corey Taylor Vs. Phil Anselmo)

Maybe it's the full moon tide we are experiencing right now, I don't know. But whatever it is, it's causing me to revert back to childish postulation of fights, feuds, competitions and comparisons that may otherwise never occur.

I don't know if I'll make this 'segment' a regular feature of this blog, after all, this blog is updated infrequently, irregularly, and sporadic and unpredictably at best, but if it works out - and it well may, I might just do this a bit more often (though probably lumping a whole bunch of possible fights - as if it were a 'fight-card' of sorts since it would make for more of an update).

So here it is folks:

I ASK YOU - Who would win in a fight if this were ever to occur:

Phil Anselmo or Corey Taylor?

I would have tried to find the 'toughest' looking photos of both, but not only is that too gay, it requires too much effort, so page-1-ing off of Google Image Search here are the best right now.

Phil Anselmo in sporting his trademark mic-ing habits.
Corey Taylor - on the left before he puts his makeup on, on the right looking more 'Phil-ish'
I suppose I could put up a poll, but I'd rather you just enter the name and reason(s) for his rank/level of 'asskickability' over the other guy.

I kinda like both guys (obviously, not really that into them nowadays, but we're talking trading fisticuffs here) but I'd have to put my money on Corey.

The guy's a screamer (like myself, except I'm heavier, harder, louder, more demonic sounding, and have surpassed him along will all the other roarers out there) which says a lot, or a little, but just really loud.

The guy talks about killing people like it's his way of telling them he loves them.

I could picture a breakfast table conversation with his wife/girlfriend/groupey/whathaveyou:
Wifey: Hi Corey, did you sleep well?
Corey: I'm going to kill the fucking living death out of your vagina and wear it as a necktie to church.
Not sure exactly what that meant, but the guy is about as coherent as the above snippet describes him. Maybe it's the fact he has a girly name, which forces him to try to act uber-manly even more so than most alpha-male aggresso types, I don't know but that could well account for it.

On the other hand, about the toughest I've seen Phil Anselmo behave is when he's either giving a 'White Pride' Speech, or bullying some twelve year old kid for throwing something at him during a live performance.

Corey is (was?) a demon straight out from hell, a few Kuttlefish-of-Cthulhu-for-a-penis jokes shy of Oderus Urungus (yes they've been feuding too). Phil is more sorta your average messed up drug addicted alcoholic trying to clean up his life and somehow humiliate himself on camera and beg forgiveness after his friends get killed and his wife leaves him.

I'm not too crazy about either guys band(s) that much anymore. Slipknot was incredible, I had 4 records by them:
  1. Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
  2. (Self-Titled - Digi-Pak Re-Release)
  3. Iowa
  4. Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses
And let's be realistic, when I said they were incredible, I really only meant that I liked "Iowa" and 'Wait and Bleed' off of the (Self-Titled) one. MFKR is really for exploration purposes, albeit with a different singer (Anders Colsefeni) as it showcases a very different Knot, one with very nice classical guitar intro on the original version of 'Gently' (I happen to like both versions, the first for being more meditative and emotional, the second for being more Hypnotic, if even Satanic) along with some more Jazz-influenced sounds, and at least one 'The Simpsons' sound clips, as per...
Mr. Burns: Smithers...
Smithers: Yes Mr. Burns?
Mr Burns: Bring me this band.
Slipknots "Vol. 3" I'm sorry to say, was barely passable for a band that released "Iowa". It had it's good moments, and some of the percussive sounds had a different timbre to them, albeit loud, heavy in their own way, is if they were mic-ed in 'mono' as opposed to 'stereo' (another debate all in itself!) but some of the things they tried, like the guitar solo on 'Pulse of the Maggots' failed, came off as silly (it would have sounded better, if they just silenced all the other instruments during the solo) and would have been fine if it were on the self-titled record, as the band was probably still 'finding their sound' so to speak, but they had most of that nailed down with "Iowa."

Then again, I'm not sure just how scientific the 'recording' process is. While the results should be 'reproducible', I believe the band themselves originally stated that Iowa was a more 'experimental' record for them.

Another part about that record, that is both good and bad, is that Corey starts singing about girls/women he knows in his life. Good that he can go there, bad that he has to do it when he could be talking about killing people and shit, like he normally does when he's happy.

I heard some songs off of "All Hope Is Gone", I like what I heard, more reminiscent of Iowa, though again, I'll have to say it'll probably sit at #2 as Iowa is probably Knots 'Black Album' or their equivalent 'Master of Puppets'.

By the way, I hate (post-"Garage inc.") Metallica too.

I'll be honest with you, I haven't been a Pantera fan since 2002. Not that I started disliking Old-Panty, just that I got into better bands (actually with me it was an entire sub-genre shift) and admittedly a whole lot more Power, Prog and Black Metal - I guess once you go BlindGuardian, It's hard to turn back!

Ironically, amongst most of the Pantera fans that I personally know (not many) most of them like the more 'groove laden' sound they're more famous for, I actually happen to like some of their 'quieter' songs more. I don't know why that is. I guess unless it's immediately 'catchy', I tend to right away go for the more 'obscure' stuff that a band makes.

And I'll say just one more thing, recently 2007-2009, the only 'Pantera' I've been getting into, is the early 'Glam' oriented Pantera. I know that probably makes me gay, but I'm not sure if it's just a phase, as I've been doing the '80's glam' thing since 2004.

I don't know, once you start liking retro, it all goes downhill from there. To me Depeche Mode, while more DarkWave/Synth-Pop Rock, is timeless. I can still listen to Violator, frequently and despite it's attempt of going from simplicity to complexity and then back again ('World in My Eyes' Vs. 'Enjoy the Silence') and not think of it as 'retro' or '80's-ish' trying to look into the future and make futile attempts towards creating futuristic music. I suppose that's because much of their music is catchy, radio friendly, etc. But with them, I have the opposite effect in that I can't get into their more obscure (and quieter) material that easily, as I can with Pantera.

But if it's not the more quiet (acoustic guitar intro) songs of Pantera, or the older 'glam' oriented perhaps pre-Phil material, I'm just not into it anymore and haven't been for almost a decade!

I had sorta the same case with Sepultura, another band I was sort of into, and then Max Calvera just kind of became really trite to my ears. Side issue, but I'm not sure how many Pantera Vs. Sepultura threads there are out there...I'm not sure if anyone has cared to ask. But I'm gonna posit that little battle too!

<>Update: Just now, I googled, and turns out there's already some debate, however small. But it seems that it depends most WHERE you ask this question (as where may quantitatively decide the amount of WHOs that share the same opinion in concentrated regions).

Over here Sepultura seems to win the numbers game:

And over here it seems to be Pantera:

Brazil Vs. USA scenario perhaps? Portuguese Brazilians favoring Sepultura, American and Spanish types favoring Pantera? I don't know, it's a stupid question, but somebody's got to ask it.

The point, which I seem to have completely lost track of, is that while I sometimes thought of Taylor as 'Anselmo Version 2.0', in someways more sensible, in other ways, I could see him kicking the other guys ass too.

So again, whose tougher (not asking for who makes better music, or who you like more, etc.) and say in an MMA-Rules Cage-Fight, who'd win?

Obviously neither guy would want to fight by the rules, so in that situation, who'd win in a ring? And who'd have better chances of winning in a bar-fight?

I still say Corey, then again, I've never made a size comparison between the two? Taylor has since shaving off his head, gotten into shape, and even added a few pounds to expand those muscle fibers. Anselmo on the other hand has something of a bad back in more recent times.

Part of me WANTS to lean towards Phil, but logic is pointing in Corey's direction.

That's just my opinion. Who takes this one if it ever happens?

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Dearest Gropeworthy Cunts!

I originally found this as a .gif animation file over here:
I wanted to link to it, but unfortunately their image-host (ImageShack.US) returned went all 404-error. So while I have the original .gif file, we aren't able/allowed to host .gif files here, without them being converted to .jp(e)g which then effectively destroys the motion-animation and renders it a 'still-photo'.

I'm also not big on ImageShack, PhotoBucket, ImageHosts, etc. (well, not yet anyway - don't get me wrong; it's on my mental 'to-do' list) so, for the time being, I decided instead to make a poster/t-shirt out of it.

(Click image to view a slightly larger more legible version)

It gets the point a cross fairly sweet, short, direct and simple.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

On The Awful Truth About Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Hidden Controllers of the Tea Party

Dearest fuckworthy cunts! (Unnecessary translation for the shocked, that's: Hi everyone!)

If you, like me, often suffer under the tyranny of any of the Main-Stream-Media (MSM) News-Networks, Papers, etc. (i.e. you catch the news as you're flipping channels on the Brain-Washing Box -the Tele- or you pass by a news-stand, and see the news and scant a few headlines) it's no surprise you'll succumb 'neath the sheer brutality, the onslaught, they play with your psyche.

Now, those who have become embittered with such, worn and weary, and wary quite the nary of their ways...You'll learn to avoid them, but you'll only be able to if you can close your eyes, and plug your ears (i.e. MSM/establishment-type Radio) suck it up and keep walking (changing the channels, flipping the page, dialing out to a different station only to be aurally assaulted by the same horse-shit).

The reality is as you get older, you tend to 'wise(n) up' to the tactics employed at every possible interval, of the MSM to shape your reality. At first though, you'll probably play the game of sifting through the reports, you may think to yourself "Well, there's some minor inaccuracies, but it's still fairly reliable" which then devolves to "there's some garbage, but there is about as much gold" which then further establishes itself as "we'll there's mis- and even dis-information out there, with little nuggets of truth, that make it worthwhile to watch, listen, read, etc."

Sorry friends. I'd be extra lenient and even merciful if I said any of the above mindsets were true...but if there were, it'd most likely be the last one, only modified "Everything the MSM says is almost without exception, a largess (not in the good way) mass of self-contradicting, hypocritical nonsense - intentional disinformation, if there is some accuracy or even truth to anything they say, it's accidental; as the law of averages would dictate (once in a while they'll screw up, and actually do some good by accident of course) otherwise a huge package of horseshit-lies" a paradox of sorts, but it's true!

Anyway, I kinda got carried away explaining all that, it's just that I can't tolerate almost anything remotely MSM...TV I don't watch...Movies, unless of an international origin, seldom do interest...I resort to the internet! The internet is all I have! Is all we have. There's so much variety, and great stuff (some nasty-nast too! but most of it only 'adds to' our collective in a good way) that it's only rational that it'd be our first resort to any query; and hence, in more passive-sense, where we'd get our news.

My whole point in typing the first five paragraphs you've read so far, is that it brings me to this: I've recently (as of a few months ago) been hearing about "Tea Party Movement(s)" in various Countries across America (it's not one-big-country, no, like most of Integrated-Europe; it is a Union, or like the Soviet Union of past-times).

Now on the surface the Tea Party Movements largely present a good (I don't wanna say ideology, rather) idea-set!

I'm against taxation, against surveillance of citizens/people by the government, for homeschooling, pro as in the US Constitution they say 'Second Amendment', for States (Country) rights over Federal (Union) rights. I'm also against wars that will only cost a few million lives, ruin foreign nations, as well as future relations with their neighbors, never-mind the fact that wars can be expensive, and bankrupt the warmongering-nations in question. And of course against secret arrest, arrests without charges, interrogations, torture, etc. as I still believe in such a thing called 'due-process'.

So in short, I agree with the Tea Party Movements and while I don't know if they have a single, well-defined ideology, I'm willing to bet, that most of those Tea-Partiers would agree with me on at least most of the things I wrote in the paragraph above.

So what is my complaint with the Tea Party Movements or Party-Goers? None.

What is my concern in writing this?

I'm not sure just how bad the brainwashing is in America, but the MSM, particularly Fox news types, along with the so-called 'Republican' party, is trying and sadly to some degree succeeding in suckering the Tea-Partiers back into the left-right paradigm, and ironically enough into anti-tea-party agendas.

Take Sarah Palin for example. Everyone globally knows this woman. In a way, I think she was the Republican party's answer to Hilary Clinton. And while they both had a nice-sell to the masses; to me, they're both ugly aging prostitutes (Clinton more visibly than Palin, though).

Now fortunately, not everyone is getting suckered back into this, but that doesn't stop the Glen Becks, Bill O'Reilly's, Sean Hannity's from trying to re-indoctrinate people who have become disillusioned (if not 'woke up') and left.

I see this scam, people the world over may not, but even in a non-American nation such as Deutchland, the attitudes of the people are more 'freedom/rights' oriented, despite all the eco-propaganda which amounts to little more than "let us tax you to death, hell and beyond." It's incorrect for people to assume that people in separate nations don't share similar attitudes, even if the news events of the day might vary (but usually only in the time-slot aired!)

This Palin lady, seems to be fairly 'conservative' and fairly likable on the surface. Reasonably wealthy and successful political-type lady, still cooks dinner + big happy family (showing that women can both have a family as well as a career). On the surface it's a fairly respectable lady you're dealing with...And she seems to vocally raise support for the Tea-Partiers, so much as to attempt to become the poster-child of the movement.

But her actions, however, seem to be so antithetical to the tenets of the said movement.

Look, I can prattle on and on about how this lady is a con/scam-artist (I'd have to include the Middle-man; the Media as well) but I figure I'd let someone more astute than myself do most of the talking. He'll explain to you, in details I haven't yet mentioned as to how this lady is rather like a chameleon or rather a virus that is attempting to hijack your Operating-System/Hard-Drive (except in this case, the OS/Hard-Drive is the Tea-Party Movement).

I present to you Texe Marrs' "Oh the Games People Play" (The Awful Truth About Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Hidden Controllers of the Tea Party).

Here's a steaming-audio link

A direct link to the MP3 file.

At roughly 60 minutes, well worth the listen.

A brief synopsis:
America’s patriotic citizens are angry and fed up. Washington, D.C.’s corrupt political parties and wickedly perverse political leaders have betrayed our Constitution and gutted our Bill of Rights. They have created the most horrendous federal, state, and local debt problem and now threaten to bankrupt the Republic with yet more taxes. Frankenstein government is poised to strangle us into oblivion. To coverup their crimes the elite have trotted out competing would-be "Saviors" and "Messiahs"—President Barack Obama, Governor Sarah Palin, Senator Steve Brown and others. Controlling both the Republican and Democrat parties, they have pumped up Fox News’ Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly and painted these lying deceivers as "trusted journalists" we should believe in. Now they have co-opted the Tea Party movement and intend for this grass roots movement to be seized by pied pipers of the traitorous Republican Party. These are the political games these devilish people play—games invented in smoke-filled back rooms. Listen as Texe rips into and unmasks these "games" and provides solutions we can use to oppose the plot of the elite.
I generally don't like to meddle into such issues...But I see a genuine movement being hijacked, further exploited, divided against itself and set up for a fall! I gotta tell it like I see it. (Coincidentally, the way Texe sees it!)

Until next time folks, I'll try to blog about something worthwhile, on this no-purpose/all-purpose blog, that amounts to little more than the miscellaneous section of whatever I'm thinking of at the moment, well, that which isn't porn (as I'm working 25/8 shifts on that).

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Dearest cunts!

Not much of an entry here...

I know it's a small one, but I just love this image!
Pro-Second, Yes-sirree-ma'am-whateveryouare!

I love you all!


A Nail in the 'GlobalWarmingism' Coffin.

Greetings you worthless cunts!

I write again to you in a similar vein as last-time. I have another well-written and researched article, by DeadPirateRoberts at NorthernLibertyAlliance again. It says much of what I wanted to, in far fewer words, and in a much more astute manner.

Below is the article itself.

Originally taken from:

The nail in the coffin?

By northernlibertyalliance

I wish it were, but the fact is that we have the media, big money players (GE, Soros, Gore, Siemens, ect.) as well as the “Gaia worshippers” who are not going to let the issue of Global Warming go.

But to those enlightened enough to check the facts, the Science behind Global Warm…oops, Climate Change, is beyond shakey. In fact, the IPCC is now having to admit “We were totally wrong”:

AGW Claim: “Global Warming could reduce African crops by 50%”

Notice that there is a method behind the Global warmers. You make an overblown statement with absolutely no evidence, but always include the word “could” so you can retract that statement when you are proven wrong (lying).

AGW Truth: There is no proof to this claim, and as Lord Monckton says in the included video, CO2 is actually a benefit to crops. A 100% increase in CO2 leads to up to a 40% increase in crop yields. The actual threat to the food sources of the poor is converting their food into ethanol to use in automobiles. In other words, Global warming hysteria is starving the poor. And the “warmists” are supposed to be caring Liberals? No, they simply want to bilk the world of billions of dollars.

Also, take note that the Scientist who made this claim recieved $1 million dollars in grants for his effort. Follow the grants my friends.

AGW claim: The Himalayan glaciers could disappear by the year 2035.

AGW truth: The IPCC now admits that this is not true. Again, they had to retract their claim. So, where are these “scientists” getting their data? In one case from a student dissertation where said student made the point it “seemed” that the glaciers in the Andes, Alps, and Africa were shrinking. The dissertation, comically, was featured in a magazine targeting mountain climbers.

AGW claim: The Polar bears are drowning as their habitat melts away

AGW truth: Not only are polar bears not drowning (they can actually swim many miles, and do so all the time) but their populations are increasing. This claim has been used to terrify children, and is used by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) often for fund raising. Again, follow the money. Be it grants, attempts at getting funding, or in trying to get Govt money to enrich “green” companies.

The stack of cards seems be be crumbling. In fact, famed “Climategate” Scientist Professor Phil Jones, has now admitted that there has been no Global Warming since 1995.
Unless you have forgotten, it was the hacking of emails of East Anglia college that led to the statements of Jones and his Global warming brethren, and the fact that their data did not add up. Further, they were actively trying to demonize skeptical Scientists and keep their findings our of Journals by threats. Jones also seems to have lost the original data (how convenient) because he was too busy and not very organized.

Ok, so will the admission of all out fraud and lack of data stop Gaia fanatics from trying to stuff their philosphy down our throats? Don’t bet on it. We are already hearing from the so-called “mainstream media” that the snow and cold now in 49 of 50 (tell the President there aren’t 57) states is likely caused by “Global Climate Change”. You see how easy it is to change the debate when they are losing?

And this is also hard to swallow considering that the Global warmers were using a lack of snow to bolster their propaganda:

(Senator Robt.) BYRD 2002: We need a climate change strategy badly. Look at the kind of winter we’ve had here in Washington. One snow, three inches? What can we expect for the spring and summer seasons? What’s going to happen to our crops, our livestock, our economy? This is serious. I’ve lived a long time, 84 years. Something’s going wrong out there. I don’t need a scientist to tell me that. We had better do something about it.

(Senator Barbara) BOXER 2007: He also remarked that the most optimistic climate models for the second half of this century suggest that 30 to 70% of the snow pack will disappear. Now, no wonder we have people visiting our offices who are just already hurting from the recreation industry in this nation. They see what’s happening. They see the handwriting on the wall. We have to act.

(Senator Amy) KLOBUCHAR 2008: I heard it from the head of our snowmobile association who testified at a forum that I had with our governor on climate change in January because they’ve seen decreasing snow levels. I hear about it from ice fishermen because they have seen that it takes longer for the ice to freeze and they can’t put their fish house out.

We need to persevere on bringing forth the truth. We are being sold a scam of immense proportion. The entire Global Warming as “Scientific truth” has been shown as a fraud. And it is a fraud to enrich the powerful while taxing and enslaving the masses. We must fight them tooth and nail, or lose our freedoms.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

In Response to: "Global Warming and the big money connection"

Dearest Grope-Worthy Cunts! (Translation: 'Hi everyone!')

For the past week-or-so, I've been tailing a fairly decent blog I found Called NothernLibertyAlliance.

(Click image to view a slightly larger more legible version).

Most/All of the entries are done by a rather astute writer who (rather humbly calls his site 'Just another weblog', but due to the quality of the articles I've read so far, perhaps should be getting paid for writing thm) goes by the name of "DreadPirateRoberts". So far, I've read only a handful of entries made at said blog-site, and as I told him/her earlier, I like what I read.

So much so in fact, that I just had an epiphany.

I'm posting more material (and some of it partially coherent, believe it or not!) there in the comment section, than even on my own blog-site! I figured it can (at least theoretically) be read by twice as many people if I posted it on my blog-site as well. Not to alienate DeadPirateRoberts, I have decided to add him to my blog-roll (i.e. that feature I totally forgot existed).

Nevertheless, I hope we can together increase our readership (I know we're bloggers not a newspaper! But hey, I like to see the glass-half-full of lemonade - the other-half being sugar!)

So, since I not only like what he wrote, but also what I wrote in response, I'm re-posting my comment here - as though it were an entry on it's own.

So here is the link to the original article, entitled "Global Warming and the big money connection" and here re-posted below, is my comment:


Great post again! (Think I’ll add you to my blog-roll).

I noticed you mentioned President Obama’s “Clean Energy” initiative. Something people tend to misunderstand is that Coal (for example) is not ‘dirty’ as people will say, there’s plenty of clean burning coal…

But it’s more than just that. Not only is there no Global-Warming Crises, there is no desire on behalf of the ‘Eco/Tax-Class’ to want to actually ’save’ the environment.

The ruling class (the one the media and Soros-types, doesn’t like to talk about) doesn’t want you and me to know about the many free-energy alternatives…I’m not just talking about hi-tech ‘Zero-Point Energy’ devices (extracting energy from the aether, literally nothing, space itself in a sense – I could be using a misleading metaphor, but I’d say I’m in the ballpark) but also low-tech like this guy (Paul Pantone) who created the GEET-Fuel Processor.

Paul was willing to give his ‘implosion-engine’ away, even for free to a corporation able and willing to mass-produce it. They instead wanted him to stop selling and giving out the instructions to produce it.

Oil Companies (and I think the API) offered him and his wife (Molly) $4 billion to sell the blueprints to his device, and then after they would have secured the rights to his device, they would NOT produce it.

(Think about it, if you’re a massive oil-consortium (Read: cartel) and someone makes a product that makes your product (oil) essentially obsolete (for transportation and powering uses, anyway) would you want someone to challenge your monopoly? Or do away with them post-haste?)

They even went around to local part-stores; bribing, ordering and threatening, the dealers to stop selling the materials to him. He was later (I think in 2006) arrested on bogus-securities frauds charges (he might be out, now).

His website ( is down, but I think there are copies of it out on the internet. Also GEET.Com in Aug. 2005 bought up by Utah Attorney General’s office, along with,, etc.

You might be able to view a copy here…*/

Also there is this site documenting the hell he’s gone through.

Paul Pantone Introduction

Paul Pantone interviewed about GEET

By the way, ever find it ironic how Oil Companies have either bought up, or created and funded most of the ‘Eco-friendly’ Groups?

No wonder we’re not seeing any progress in the development of alternative (free) energy devices, and even the prices for the ineffective wind-mill, solar-panels, etc. has been ‘regulated’ (meaning: anti-competitive, anti-free-market, highly illegal price-fixing) by the Oil-Cartels. So even if you want to jump on the ‘alt-energy’ band-wagon, it’ll cost you an arm, a leg, an eye, a liver, your first born and their soul.

Also, notice you cannot drive your car on any Inter-Statial Road unless you pay the ‘Gas-Tax’. The Oil-Cartel is totally embedded within the Government. Them, the IRS, the Illegitimate Federal Income-Tax, and whatnot has got to go!

Un-elect your leaders if they do not do anything to stop these Communist criminals.

I say ‘Communist’ because under Communism, the Government owns all manufacturing, transport, communication, etc. And the Private Central Banks and their Intelligence Agencies, along with the Oil Cartels (who by the way, also own all the Defense Contractors, Weapons Factories and the Pharmaceutical-Corporations) have become the Government.

That’s right, you have a Privately-Owned Government, ruling the Public.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, huh? [*That’s Cynical-Sarcasm, BTW*].

Also, there is no shortage of oil. The American Petroleum Institute a front-group for the Oil-Cartels, is engaging in ‘Artificial-Scarcity’. Creating the impression that we’re ‘running out of oil’ so they can Charge exponentially more for it. Oil is by and large ‘abiotic’. It’s naturally replenishing.

Biotic oil, and indeed it exists, is what we refer to as Fossil Fuels. Believe me, we’ve used up hundreds of billions of times more than all the Dead-Dinosaur Bones and Prehistoric Plants could provide.

So we’re not running out of oil. They’re colluding together jacking up the prices, not on the basis of supply-and-demand; but due to an artificial-scarcity. Otherwise, if they were playing an honest game, oil would come down to about 18 cents, tomorrow!
