Frankly, there are a number of scenes in this video which I don't like...I wouldn't have minded as much if they kept all the washroom shots out of the video (Nothing particularly scatological but the washroom stuff makes many people queasy, uneasy, nauseous. etc. hence why they seldom showed it in the 'black-and-white' era, even in movies where they had full-frontal female nudity). Other than that and the periodic-hurling, the video is pretty (in)decent.
Side-Issue:Regarding the video itself:
This is why I like watching 'strictly-porn' rather than videos like this, and 99.9% of Hollywood movies, which suck as hard as a vacuum, to be frank (you'll get the odd gem, but even them some are 'diamonds in the rough'). That way, I get all of what I want, and none of what I don't.
This is the -to the best of my knowledge- the fullest and 'most uncut' (or 'least cut') version of the video. The other versions aren't censored either, just that certain scenes that appear here for a few milliseconds had been cut out from them (why go so far to display obscenities, then balk at the last second when you're almost all the way through?!) I'll never understand censorship, which is why we should abolish it here and now!
At any rate, despite the fact that I listen to Progressive (and other kinds of) Metal, rather than this musical tripe (which maybe at most may be 'fringe-industrial'-related to Rock/Metal, if at all). I suppose the video is good enough to be given at least a temporary pass on my blog-site, though I hate embedding videos here, it slows down the page-load times, but I'll do it for now (or maybe in a few days, I'll just put up the link rather than embedding it).
Enjoy! (If you can!)
The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up
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