Sunday, February 14, 2010

In Response to: "Global Warming and the big money connection"

Dearest Grope-Worthy Cunts! (Translation: 'Hi everyone!')

For the past week-or-so, I've been tailing a fairly decent blog I found Called NothernLibertyAlliance.

(Click image to view a slightly larger more legible version).

Most/All of the entries are done by a rather astute writer who (rather humbly calls his site 'Just another weblog', but due to the quality of the articles I've read so far, perhaps should be getting paid for writing thm) goes by the name of "DreadPirateRoberts". So far, I've read only a handful of entries made at said blog-site, and as I told him/her earlier, I like what I read.

So much so in fact, that I just had an epiphany.

I'm posting more material (and some of it partially coherent, believe it or not!) there in the comment section, than even on my own blog-site! I figured it can (at least theoretically) be read by twice as many people if I posted it on my blog-site as well. Not to alienate DeadPirateRoberts, I have decided to add him to my blog-roll (i.e. that feature I totally forgot existed).

Nevertheless, I hope we can together increase our readership (I know we're bloggers not a newspaper! But hey, I like to see the glass-half-full of lemonade - the other-half being sugar!)

So, since I not only like what he wrote, but also what I wrote in response, I'm re-posting my comment here - as though it were an entry on it's own.

So here is the link to the original article, entitled "Global Warming and the big money connection" and here re-posted below, is my comment:


Great post again! (Think I’ll add you to my blog-roll).

I noticed you mentioned President Obama’s “Clean Energy” initiative. Something people tend to misunderstand is that Coal (for example) is not ‘dirty’ as people will say, there’s plenty of clean burning coal…

But it’s more than just that. Not only is there no Global-Warming Crises, there is no desire on behalf of the ‘Eco/Tax-Class’ to want to actually ’save’ the environment.

The ruling class (the one the media and Soros-types, doesn’t like to talk about) doesn’t want you and me to know about the many free-energy alternatives…I’m not just talking about hi-tech ‘Zero-Point Energy’ devices (extracting energy from the aether, literally nothing, space itself in a sense – I could be using a misleading metaphor, but I’d say I’m in the ballpark) but also low-tech like this guy (Paul Pantone) who created the GEET-Fuel Processor.

Paul was willing to give his ‘implosion-engine’ away, even for free to a corporation able and willing to mass-produce it. They instead wanted him to stop selling and giving out the instructions to produce it.

Oil Companies (and I think the API) offered him and his wife (Molly) $4 billion to sell the blueprints to his device, and then after they would have secured the rights to his device, they would NOT produce it.

(Think about it, if you’re a massive oil-consortium (Read: cartel) and someone makes a product that makes your product (oil) essentially obsolete (for transportation and powering uses, anyway) would you want someone to challenge your monopoly? Or do away with them post-haste?)

They even went around to local part-stores; bribing, ordering and threatening, the dealers to stop selling the materials to him. He was later (I think in 2006) arrested on bogus-securities frauds charges (he might be out, now).

His website ( is down, but I think there are copies of it out on the internet. Also GEET.Com in Aug. 2005 bought up by Utah Attorney General’s office, along with,, etc.

You might be able to view a copy here…*/

Also there is this site documenting the hell he’s gone through.

Paul Pantone Introduction

Paul Pantone interviewed about GEET

By the way, ever find it ironic how Oil Companies have either bought up, or created and funded most of the ‘Eco-friendly’ Groups?

No wonder we’re not seeing any progress in the development of alternative (free) energy devices, and even the prices for the ineffective wind-mill, solar-panels, etc. has been ‘regulated’ (meaning: anti-competitive, anti-free-market, highly illegal price-fixing) by the Oil-Cartels. So even if you want to jump on the ‘alt-energy’ band-wagon, it’ll cost you an arm, a leg, an eye, a liver, your first born and their soul.

Also, notice you cannot drive your car on any Inter-Statial Road unless you pay the ‘Gas-Tax’. The Oil-Cartel is totally embedded within the Government. Them, the IRS, the Illegitimate Federal Income-Tax, and whatnot has got to go!

Un-elect your leaders if they do not do anything to stop these Communist criminals.

I say ‘Communist’ because under Communism, the Government owns all manufacturing, transport, communication, etc. And the Private Central Banks and their Intelligence Agencies, along with the Oil Cartels (who by the way, also own all the Defense Contractors, Weapons Factories and the Pharmaceutical-Corporations) have become the Government.

That’s right, you have a Privately-Owned Government, ruling the Public.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, huh? [*That’s Cynical-Sarcasm, BTW*].

Also, there is no shortage of oil. The American Petroleum Institute a front-group for the Oil-Cartels, is engaging in ‘Artificial-Scarcity’. Creating the impression that we’re ‘running out of oil’ so they can Charge exponentially more for it. Oil is by and large ‘abiotic’. It’s naturally replenishing.

Biotic oil, and indeed it exists, is what we refer to as Fossil Fuels. Believe me, we’ve used up hundreds of billions of times more than all the Dead-Dinosaur Bones and Prehistoric Plants could provide.

So we’re not running out of oil. They’re colluding together jacking up the prices, not on the basis of supply-and-demand; but due to an artificial-scarcity. Otherwise, if they were playing an honest game, oil would come down to about 18 cents, tomorrow!



Anonymous said...

Great job, I must admit. Being half Swede myself, you definitely do Sweden justice. Keep up the good work!

Nemrosim said...

Thanks man!

I like your blog a lot! It's good to have some cross-trade!
