Without making specific reference as to who; suffice to say, I have a hard time saying 'no.' I have an even harder time sticking to it, once I've made it clear. Whatever happened to 'Last time was the LAST time!' I often wonder?
Are you tired of cleaning up their mess?...And still do!
Great. I don't have a solution for you either. Like you, I've got problems of my own. If I solve them maybe you can mirror my work. Unlikely, as even if I'm able to, I probably won't show it.
We've all got our problems. And it's hard enough to deal with them. But even more-so when bogged down, double with those from others.
I also hate talking in riddles, as much as I hate hearing them when uncalled for. So this is really a reminder for me more than anyone reading this.
And no, this is not a suggestion that you should abandon everything to the elements, while adopting a Social-Darwinian view on everything and dealing with others in a similar fashion. No. Not only would that not help, the Karmic result wouldn't be pleasant, and more importantly, you'd have to realize that the chances are great that you're not yet at the top of the food chain where none can harm you.
Rather, just keep on keeping on but also learn to dissociate.
I frankly have an easier time getting along with strangers than some of the people I know.
I hate people who exaggerate things, make them worse than they have to be, a half-truth from them is as good as a lie from anyone else. In addition to all that, they're notorious liars.
(Those) People are bored. Their lives are empty, vapid at best. They've watched too much TV. They need (want) drama in their lives. And they mimic what they saw on TV or in the movies, thinking it'll somehow magickally transform them into the character that appealed to them. As a result, they like to create (public) scenes as they think the whole world is watching (in my case, I think somebody may be reading, at least - but I'm just all-text - so it's less annoying; they're all-volume sans-aesthetics - I think you can image how irritating that can be) like they would matter or even impress everyone watching ("Keep dreaming, bitch." is what I normally think).
They assume my life is much the same. Or worse, that I am of the 'happy-consumers' not too unlike what the late-Bill Hicks talked about, gladly watching them go about their nonsense. (Again, I hate talking in riddles, but a necessary, temporary evil.)
Still I go about cleaning their messes, fixing their fuck-ups. I've done so for about, say 12 years now. It's quite taxing for me to do so on a daily basis.
And I still go about helping whomever, whenever I can, with whatever. It's sometimes a drain, but I justify it to myself believing it somehow helps. And the few times it does, somehow seems to balance out the many times it doesn't. I think as individuals we have learned to deceive ourselves, and have become masters at it. But every now or then we're left disillusioned.
(Frankly, we shouldn't be living in an illusion, so we should welcome the starkness of the shock.)
But while it's time to clean up the grand-mess, solve the grand universal problem, it may also be time to take off the water-wings.
This is not the kind of update I make.
Believe it or not, I've got about 26 different articles I could be posting right now. I started working on them, even got most of them finished and whatnot, just didn't post them because 'the time wasn't right' and other such irrationalities. I'll get to that ASAP which translates to whenever I feel like it, which is almost never. But I suppose this is more an opportunity to vent in a near-ineffective manner.
Still, anything is better than nothing.
I really want to expand this blog-site. I just haven't had time to devote to it, without coming up with articles too personal or too esoteric in nature. Then again, I'm thankful that I never set aside a purpose for this site, purposes tend to limit what you can do. (And while I have things folks can download, I don't want to turn this into a download-site, that's been done before, although it can always be done better.) I don't have body of work I can classify into anything, hence nothing I can 'stray' from. Which is why I'm glad I can always come back to it later. Next update will be better. Less personal.
Oh yeah, and I hate TV.
Bitter and disillusioned like everyone else, I hate TV.
TV kills off brain-cells. So does Aspartame.