Sunday, December 21, 2008

What the fuck is wrong with RevolverMag?

Dearest Groggy Little Cunts,

I'm sad to say that I believe my last update may have been a tad bit of a 'little white lie' as they say.

Never mind the global financial crises, which was orchestrated by the banking cartel families of the Illuminati for the sake of creating a unified, super global government; and those dead as a result of the wars still being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, the threat of war looming over Iran, Syria, North Korea; ongoing strikes by the US military inside Pakistan killing innocent civilians (not a word of which is spoken about in the corporate-controlled 'Main-Stream Media' or 'MSM' for short).

Uh-oh...What's all this talk about large-scale wars against Russia? And if there'll be a war against Russia you can rest assure that China won't stay out of the fight.

Well, disregarding all that, we all still have our own 'personal problems'. And it's apparent to me that my last update about 'good things being on the (DISTANT) whorizon' was probably wishful thinking, or at the very least, something that would happen eventually in the future, but not necessarily just right now.

So what? Am I morning for the sad state of our world? No.

...Well, maybe a little. But am I concerned about our safety? Being the selfish bastard I am - yes - probably only as far as myself, and maybe my family...And you! Because if 'you' suddenly died, there would likely only be one other person reading this blog (me). And then it becomes kind of lonely. Y'know how it goes:
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one

No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know
`Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number, worse than two

It's just no good anymore since she went away
Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday

One is the loneliest, number one is the loneliest
Number one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest, one is the loneliest
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
It's just no good anymore since she went away
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest
(Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
[Taken from 'Three Dog Night' classic "One"].
Okay, so what the fuck am I bitching about?
Well, it's completely irrelevant to virtually anything I've written thus far but it ties in with the theme of 'things going downhill'.

I recently (a few weeks ago or so) received a copy of 'Revolver Magazine'. I presume most of you know what it's about, but in case you don't it's about music, particularly the Metal music genre - sort of in the same vein as Hit-Parader and Decibel and to a lesser extent not too unlike Gerry Rothberg's now defunct Circus Magazine.

Well anyway, I got my copy...And being the lazy fuck that I am, I gave it a once-over and then forgot about it. My fault. (I guess, it's not so much that I'm lazy, I'm just preoccupied doing other things, but to simplify I just use the 'L' word to keep things short).

So anyway, my issue is the January 2009 edition (#76 - featuring MuDvAyNe on the cover). No - I did not travel into the future, if you've ever purchased magazines or comic books off the news-stand, you'll notice that they print these things, sometimes months in advance.

At any rate, I didn't really pay attention, seeing as I am the type to first 'flip-though' a magazine, waiting a few days (which invariably become weeks) before actually sitting down, and reading the whole damn thing, cover-to-glossy-cover...And so I missed the fact that I was able to download some free MP3's from their website, provided I entered a code within a due time frame.

Now, I'd like to add the fact that not only am I a lazy fuck, I'm also an expert-procrastinator.

So about 2 days ago, when I finally opened up my copy of revolvers magazine, I got to page 22 and noticed that I could download the following MP3's:
  1. The Anabolics - Anabolically Correct - "Burnin' Headlights".
  2. Inhuman - Last Rights - "GrindHouse".
  3. Edguy - Tinnitus Sanctus - "Ministry of Saints".
  4. Earth Crisis - Breed the Killers - "Ecocide".
  5. Sylosis - Conclusion of an Age - "Conclusion of an Age".
So Today, I followed the instructions given on the page, and then went to Revolver's website and proceeded to enter my names (first and last) my email address, my gender...And finally before I hit the 'submit' button, I had to enter this months 'code' (which is/was: "mantas" - all lower-case) only to be confronted with this message "Incorrect Code Please Try Again".

And so I did it all over again. Same result.

I looked at the website again, only to see that there were 5 different MP3's from 5 different bands (namely: 'Cattle Decapitation', 'Darkane', 'Thy Will Be Done', 'Scale The Summit' and 'Billyclub Sandwich'). I figured these bands were likely better than the one's I was initially going to download (with the exception of 'Edguy' whom I already like and 'Sylosis' sounds like an interesting name, sorta the same way 'Neurosis' does) so I didn't mind much.

But no matter how many times I entered, double checking my typing/spelling, it kept giving me that same dreaded message "Incorrect Code Please Try Again".

I went back to my copy of the magazine, and read that the downloads were only valid from November 25th to December 22nd (I'm presuming they mean 2008, even though the issue is labeled for January 2009 - I mean, they're not expecting me to wait another 11 or so months to download 5 MP3's are they? Obviously not).

Realizing that today was the 21st of December, I thought I had a days grace to enter the code and get my free downloads. Let me emphasize the 'I thought' part.

I'm not sure what really went wrong, seeing as even right now, it's clearly a day (or a 'half-day' depending on where you live) before the deadline. I should be eligible to download those goddamn MP3's...But I'm starting to believe that RevolverMag has tried to 'beat the clock' on this one...And thereby, 'technically' scammed me.

Don't get me wrong, I like RevolverMag and was thinking of getting a subscription...But I'm wondering if I should reconsider.
What I need from YOU:
If you have purchased/received the January 2009 Issue of Revolver - and have successfully entered the code and downloaded the MP3's (I sure as hell haven't been able to) I would greatly appreciate it if you could post a message in the comments section saying that you have them, and if possible email them to me (or if you could make a .rar/.zip file and upload that to MediaFire or RapidShare, etc. so I can download it that way).

Any help greatly appreciated and 'thank you' in advance for anyone who tries.
Final Thought:
I like RevolverMag, and I'd hate to rip anybody off (unless your last name is 'Rothschild', 'DuPont' or 'Rockefeller', etc.) but can I help but to feel just a tad bit ripped of myself?! Regardless, 'file-sharing' occurs all over the internet, and pretty much everyone does it. It's probably not right, but I don't see it as being 'theft', since no actual physical item is stolen, and/or re-sold or plagiarized.

So...I've been thinking, perhaps We ('You' + 'Me', if I'm not too much of a slothful fucktard) should create a list of all the RevolverMag 'Bootleg-Series' codes for each months issue, and then post it so fans and readers who miss an issue or two can download the MP3's (they are 'free' after all - as it states in the magazine itself). As a matter of fact, an easy way for you to post it, would be to do so on your own blogs, or in the 'comments' section right here on mine!

Just an idea. Would be nice if you participated.