Friday, November 28, 2008

Good Things are on the Whorizon

Greetings again you worthless cunts.

I don't know who the hell reads this blog - meh - doesn't matter (by the way I hate people who use the word/expression 'meh') because even if I did know that, it's not like I could use that info for anything worthwhile. I was thinking of using 'Google-Anal-y-tics' and maybe adding a 'page-hit-counter' here, but the only 'free' hit-counters I could find have advertisements which they add to your blog, so no - not yet anyway.

Lot's has happened since the last time I updated.

In fact, too much to list right now because I'm too fucking lazy. I have tonnes of ideas for this blog and am hoping to put them into practice eventually.

Given how rarely I update my blog, I'm now thinking I ought to call this, "The Nemrosim Quarterly" because that's about as often as I update it.

Nevertheless, Good Things are indeed on the Whorizon...But probably after a whole lotta bad ones. We'll see how that goes. But for now, if you happen to be one of the five or so people who read this blog, it is well enough for you to know that it is not dead yet, and still very much in it's infancy - which implies there's lot's more to come...I hope.

I'll try to update it again today...But don't hold me to it!

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